Takahashi TOA-130NFB Refractor
Price as Configured: $8,110.00

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Takahashi America is the authorized distributor for Takahashi Seisakusho Ltd. of Japan in North and South America. They provide exclusive warranty service on all Takahashi instruments authorized for sale by Takahashi in the Americas. Any Takahashi product sold or distributed by Takahashi America has a 5-year warranty on all optical and mechanical components and a 1-year warranty on electronic parts and equipment for the original purchaser. This warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship but does not cover misuse, abuse, acts of God, normal wear and tear, or service by anyone other than Takahashi America. Please note that collimation is only guaranteed upon initial delivery to the customer, and we require that all telescopes be sent via air package delivery to minimize excessive handling. This warranty is non-transferable and applies to the original purchaser of new equipment purchased through Takahashi America or one of our authorized dealers.
If you need to have your Takahashi product serviced or require warranty assistance, you should contact your authorized dealer, Deep Space Products, or Takahashi America at support@takahashiamerica.com.
When sending your product in for service, please include the service request form: Takahashi Service Request
The customer is responsible for shipping charges and insurance on all warranted and non-warranted instruments returned to Takahashi America for service. Deep Space Products and Takahashi America is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any damages incurred to the equipment during transport to Takahashi America. Takahashi America will pay for shipping and insurance of the serviced items back to the customer on warranted repairs. Otherwise, there will be a charge for return shipping and handling. Only paid or warranted items will be shipped back. WE DO NOT ACCEPT C.O.D.'s. or items shipped collect, nor will we ship any items collect or C.O.D.
Any questions about the warranty on Takahashi products should be directed to support@takahashiamerica.com.