About Deep Space Products
Your source for the best and most unique astronomy products and services

Deep Space Products is a small, family-owned and operated business that was founded in 2007 to fill the need for a thermoelectric cooling system for the Meade line of Deep Sky Imagers (“DSIs”).
In 2009, Deep Space Products acquired the rights to the popular HyperTune® products and services for German equatorial mounts previously provided through LXD55.com and LXD75.com. Introduced in 2001, the HyperTune® products and services were originally developed to upgrade the Meade LXD55 series of equatorial mounts and greatly improve the operation of these affordable systems. Since its inception, the HyperTune® name has become synonymous with the tuning of equatorial mounts to reach their peak performance abilities.In 2010, as the first step of its commercial expansion, Deep Space Products acquired the rights to sell and distribute the new T-REX Apex Alt-Azimuth T-Mount in North America. Deep Space Products acquired the rights to sell numerous other premium products in the next couple of years and in 2013 Deep Space Products acquired the rights to sell and distribute mounts from the Italian companies 10Micron and Avalon Instruments and later added mounts from TracktheStars, PlaneWave Instruments, Rainbow Astro, Rowan Engineering, along with telescopes from Officina Stellare, Takahashi, and CFF Telescopes, and CCD cameras from QHY CCD. We continue to strive to bring excellent European and Japanese products to the US, particularly those that are otherwise underrepresented in our market.
At Deep Space Products, we want to help you make the best out of your mounts, telescopes, and imaging systems and offer you some the best and most unique astronomy products and services available. Please browse the website and have a look at our products and services and feel free to ask questions. We are happy to to assist our friends and customers alike in any way we can.
Edward Thomas, Owner
Deep Space Products