Like the FS series, the FC series are apochromatic refractors with two-element fluorite lenses. The FC series have larger apertures and longer focal lengths than the FS series, and provide outstanding performance both for the visual observer and the digital imager. The FC series has its own dedicated set of reducers and flatteners, and is also able to use some of these accessories from the TOA series.
The Takahashi FC76DS apochromatic doublet fluorite telescope is an updated version of the original FC-76 from 1980. The multi-coated fluorite rear lens and eco-glass front element provides maximum light transmission. The design takes advantage of the advances in high resolution digital imaging. The advanced design allowed the focal length to be reduced by 30mm 594mm at f/7.8.
The Takahashi FC-76DS APO refractor features the Sky-90 2.6” focuser to better hold imaging packages which include DSLR’s and CCD cameras with filter wheels. A dedicated flattener as well as extender are available to further enhance the capabilities of the FC-76DS