DSP Remote provides remote telescope hosting services at Astronomer's Paradise in southwestern New Mexico.
Visit www.dspremote.com for more information.
Located near Animas, NM, the site boasts:
- Bortle 1-2 skies (SQM 21.7+ Magnitude/ArcSec2
- 4,240' elevation
- Average 286 fully-clear nights per year
- Average temperatures from 28° - 95°
- Low precipitation, mostly brief rain during the monsoon season, and rare snow
- A guest house for people who wish to come and set up or do maintenance on their equipment
- Full electric service
- Broadband internet service
- State of the art network with client Isolated, secure class "C" network for each customer
- Onsite weather monitoring service to auto-close the roofs when conditions become unsafe
- Automatic roof opening system with email notifications
- Metal pier prepared for your pier adapter
- An 8-inch diameter pier with a 12 x 12-inch top plate and height appropriate for your system (we can arrange for larger piers)
- Managed POE network switch at the pier
- Dedicated webcam at each pier for remote observation of your equipment
- Equipment shelf at each pier
- Storage for boxes, cases, containers, etc. from your equipment
DSP Remote offers amenities that others don't:
- Members have access to all the data they need to fully automate their systems through ASCOM and any control programs they choose (e.g., NINA, SGP, Voyager, TSX are all in use).
- Full onsite and offsite access to secure system dashboard showing:
- system announcements
- roof status with projected open times
- detailed roof logs
- detailed weather graphs from onsite measurement systems (Lunatico AAG and SkyAlert), including cloud cover, wind/gust, rain, brightness, and sky quality with safe/unsafe settings indicated
- active weather charts from Clear Sky Chart and Clear Outside
- onsite live all-sky camera feed
- interactive weather conditions charts from onsite sources
- two closed-circuit cameras in each observatory to provide views of each pier
- mini-dashboard app for constant monitoring of your system
- Private forum for client discussions and collaborations, seeking advice, reporting problems, and sharing astrophotos with other DSP Remote members
- Private chat group for live discussions
- Onsite and remote systems and technical support
- Individual, secure Wifi and ethernet subnets for each member
Additional services:
DSP Remote (along with Deep Space Products) can supply additional equipment and services to meet your needs and the requirements of your system including:
- System technical support
- Complete system setup or assistance setting up your system
- First-light services
- Training
- System maintenance services
- Repair services
DSP Remote provides complete installation services for a fee and free installation assistance for members who come to the site for their system installation. Free or discounted installation services are available from Deep Space Products for 10Micron-based systems purchased from Deep Space Products.
What you will need is:
- Your equipment
- Observatory-appropriate system computer
- Uninterruptable power supply
- Network connectable and remotely controllable power strip
- Pier adapter for your equipment for your mount
For visits, installations, and maintenance, DSP Remote offers members free accommodations in our new (opening in January/February 2024) and old clubhouses with two bedrooms and shared bathrooms in each. Kitchen and laundry facilities are available in both buildings as well as meeting and workspaces.
Connected and unconnected RV parking spaces and a Telsa charging station are available.
Reservations are required.
There are hotels in Lordsburg, NM, including Hampton Inn and Comfort Inn & Suites, approximately 30 minutes away.
The observatories can contain up to four piers depending on the size of the systems installed. System heights must remain below the 91-inch wall heights to ensure that roofs may be closed without risking encountering your equipment. This also helps with wind protection.
There are 17 observatories in various states of completion on the property with nine already occupied by DSP Remote and private individuals. New observatories are quickly brought online as they are needed. Observatory customizations are also possible. Customers can arrange for single piers, multiple piers, or complete buildings (which include an 8 x 16-foot warm room). We can make arrangements for large systems requiring the space of more than one standard pier for an additional cost.
Pricing, Discounts, and Rewards
DSP Remote offers standard terms of 12, 24, and 60 months (others can be negotiated) with per-pier rates starting at $600/mo. Payments are made in 6 or 12-month intervals. Discounts are available for multi-year and multi-system agreements. An unlimited rewards program adds a month to a member's hosting term for every new member they refer.
Deep Space Products also offers discounts on equipment for hosting with DSP Remote.
The current Clear Sky Chart for the facility is below and can also be seen here: Astronomer's Paradise Clear Sky Chart.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to reserve your spot.