Starlight Instruments Electronic Focusing System for William Optics
Starting Price: $265.00
Price as Configured: $265.00
Price as Configured: $265.00
Brand: Starlight Instruments / SKU: SI-RCEF
Starlight Instruments has developed the SI-RCEF which allows you to electronically control the helical focuser of the William Optics Red/Space Cat 51mm Telescope with a modified version of Starlight's Handy Stepper Motor (HSM). System includes the stepper motor, pulley, and bracket.
The RCEF motor is controlled with either the Starlight Instruments Electronic Focusing System (SI-EFS) or the Focuser Boss II (see Add-ons and Accessories below).
Due to Starlight Instruments’ severe backlog, shipping times are unpredictable. Please contact us before ordering.
You may also find what you need in the Optec product line. Contact us if you need assistance.

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