QHY MiniCAM8M Deep Sky Combo (monochrome with filters)
Starting Price: $799.00
Price as Configured: $799.00
Price as Configured: $799.00
Brand: QHYCCD / SKU: QHY-120022
At just over 4 inches in diameter and a few inches thick, the new miniCAM8 is a compact, high resolution, high performance, cooled imaging system capable of exceptional, high-quality deep space images as well as high-quality, high-resolution planetary images.
The Deep Sky Combo includes filters:
Luminance (19*12*1.1 mm)
Red (19*12*1.1 mm)
Green (19*12*1.1 mm)
Blue (19*12*1.1 mm)
7nm SII (19*12*1.1 mm)
7nm Ha (19*12*1.1 mm)
7nm OIII (19*12*1.1 mm)
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