QHY 9701 Cooled Scientific CMOS Camera

Starting Price: $5,059.00
Price as Configured: $5,059.00
Brand: QHYCCD / SKU: QHY-9701 (110105)
QHY9701 is a cooled scientific CMOS camera with GSENSE9701 back illuminated CMOS sensor. The CMOS has a very wide spectral response.

With the characteristics of large pixels, ultra-wide spectrum and low noise, it is suitable for high-end microscopy, micro-optics, biofluorescence and other scientific research fields.

It has 89% peak QE at 610nm. The high, wide response from NIR to UV makes the QHY9701 a perfect camera for spectrum analysis and spectrum imaging systems. The QHY9701 is also an ideal scientific CMOS camera for fluorescence imaging .

SHIPPING NOTE: Shipping cost will be determined after the order is made and must be paid before the camera will ship. A shipping quote can be obtained on request.

Price as Configured: $5,059.00
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Model QHY9701
Sensor Gsense9701
Mono/Color Mono Only
Sensor Size 12.493mm x 9.994mm
Effective Pixels 1.3MP
Pixel Sizes 9.76um x 9.76um
Resolution 1280 (H) x 1024 (V)
Effective 1344 (H) x 1054 (V) Readable
Shutter Type Eletric Rolling Shutter
Full Well* 48Ke-
Readout Noise* 1.6e- @ HDR mode
0.85e- @ Low Noise mode
Dynamic Range 89.5dB @ HDR
Dark Current* 40/s/p @ 31 oC 0.08e-/s/p @ -28 oC
Peak QE 89% @ 610nm
Max Fps 21fps @ Low noise
  445.5Mbps per lane (Sub-LVDS) 445.5Mbps per lane (MIPI)